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Air Temperature (9 m)

Submitted by jthornton@meso… on
Variable ID
Variable Type
Standard - Secondary
Variable Category
Air Temperature
Standard Units
degrees Celsius (°C)

Same sensor as TAIR but positioned at 9 meters above ground level.

  • This thermistor uses an unaspirated radiation shield, resulting in readings with a warm bias on calm, sunny days.
± 0.5 °C when wind speed is > 6 m/s
± 1.0 °C when wind speed is 3 - 6 m/s
± 1.5 °C when wind speed is 2 - 3 m/s
± 3.0 °C when wind speed is 1 - 2 m/s
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe (2015–present)
Thermometrics Air Temperature (1994–2015)
Sensor Image URL
Sensor Image Alt Text
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe
Sensor Image Caption
RM Young 41342 Platinum RTD Probe